PKD am Städel

Praxisklinik für Diagnostik

Städelstraße 10

60596 Frankfurt am Main


Medizinisches Versorgungszentrum

in der PKD

P +49 (0)69-664 26 65-0  |  (0) 69-61 90 10

F +49 (0)69-664 26 65-29  |  (0) 69-61 90 09


Consultation hours

Mon - Fri 8 am - 1 pm

Mon, Tue, Thur 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm

and by appointment


Outside consultation hours

Emergency medical service
T +49 116 117

PKD am Städel

Praxisklinik für Diagnostik

Städelstraße 10

60596 Frankfurt am Main


Medizinisches Versorgungszentrum

in der PKD

P +49 (0)69-664 26 65-0  |  (0) 69-61 90 10

F +49 (0)69-664 26 65-29  |  (0) 69-61 90 09


Consultation hours

Mon - Fri 8 am - 1 pm

Mon, Tue, Thur 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm

and by appointment


Outside consultation hours

Emergency medical service
T +49 116 117


Consultation hours

We offer the following services:

Welcome to Praxisklinik für Diagnostik, your center for ambulatory care


We will provide you with comprehensive diagnostics and health care in internal medicine


  • offered by highly specialized and competent physicians
  • to private and statutory insurance patients
  • using state-of-the-art technology
  • in colaboration with the Universitätsklinik Frankfurt and the Cardiologisches Centrum Bethanien
  • in Frankfurt city center right at the Museum Embankment in close proximity to Frankfurt Städel


For any appointment or questions you may reach us by phone or personally.

Check Up

Diagnostics of the

cardiovascular system

Sleep medicine



Further information

Ultrasound diagnostic


PKD am Städel is closed from December 23rd until December 30th, 2024. We will be back on January 2nd, 2025. In emergencies you can reach the Ärztlicher Bereitschaftsdienst Hessen on 116 117.


If you have any cold symptoms (cough, runny nose, sore throat, fever, body aches), so make sure to call 069 – 61 90 10 in advance and do not come directly to the PKD!


In case of an appointment in the PKD, please wear mouth and nose protection if you have any cold symptoms.

Many fields of expertise gathered with one shared cause:

internal medicine


Internal medicine has several sub-disciplines. The necessary know-how for each of these is becoming more and more extensive and subject to growing specialization.


PKD am Städel provides a modern solution with views to this development offering the full spectrum of diagnostics in internal medicine under one roof. Renowned specialists from the main fields are cooperating in a perfect network that allows them to work very efficiently, linking all their diagnostic possibilities and considering what is really necessary for the patient.


For diagnostic purposes, our PKD physicians are specialized in ultrasound screenings with state-of-the-art sonography devices and certified up to DEGUM II.

Further information and services:

For patients

For companies

About us



Consultation hours

PKD am Städel · Praxisklinik für Diagnostik    MVZ am Stäedel · Medizinisches Versorgungszentrum    Ehemals Praxis Schröter

Telefon PKD: +49 (0) 69-664 26 650  |  +49 (0) 69-61 90 10

PKD am Städel · Praxisklinik für Diagnostik

MVZ am Stäedel · Medizinisches Versorgungszentrum
Ehemals Praxis Schröter

+49 (0) 69-664 26 650  |  +49 (0) 69-61 90 10